MSc in Theory of Podiatric Surgery
Glasgow, Великобритания
3 Years
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GBP 5 500 / per year *
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* Home, RUK and EU students; £12600 International students
Develop a solid academic foundation in a rapidly changing field with our MSc Theory of Podiatric Surgery. Accredited by the College of Podiatry in London and offered in collaboration with Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, this part-time programme prepares you to pursue a successful career in advanced practice or podiatric surgery.
We draw on a wide variety of current teaching methods and combine independent work with a team approach to care, giving you a new perspective on critical thinking, problem-solving and reflexive practice in the field. Your programme will arm you with the skills and tools you need to improve the quality and widen the scope of your practice – advancing your own career while you contribute to the common good.
You’ll learn to systematically gather and appraise information and make sound judgements even in the absence of complete data – and you’ll prepare to share those discoveries with your colleagues and the broader healthcare community.
International student start dates
For new international students, orientation events start on 14 September 2018. This extra time is specifically designed to assist new international students in settling into the UK and GCU prior to the start of general student induction and teaching.
There will be a whole host of fun and informative activities taking place during this period, including campus and city tours, as well as welcome events where you can meet other international students.
This programme is approved by the College of Podiatry, London and the Australasian College of Podiatric Surgery, ACPS.
Assessment methods
We use a wide range of learning and teaching methods to ensure that you have both the necessary knowledge and understanding of business and management and a portfolio of intellectual and personal skills.
Each module on the programme uses its own learning, teaching and assessment strategy to achieve learning objectives. Assessment methods vary between modules and may include unseen examinations, class tests, essays, management reports, case studies, presentations, and group work.
Teaching methods
The learning and teaching methods we use to ensure that our programme is both vocationally relevant and academically challenging. Our approach is student-centred, practical, participative and relevant to the needs of employers.
We've moved away from the traditional teacher-centric learning to a more independent learning approach, where you are encouraged to develop critical thinking skills.
Учебный план
Что вы будете изучать
Анатомия для хирургической практики; Принципы диагностических исследований; Подологическая механика; Фармакология для подологии; Медицина и патология; Диагностическая визуализация - интерпретация; Методы исследования; Магистерская диссертация. Обратите внимание: не все модули будут предлагаться в каждом учебном году.
Стипендии и финансирование
Карьерные возможности
Перспективы выпускников
Навыки, которые вы приобретете на нашем заочном курсе MSc Теория подологической хирургии, помогут вам продвинуться по карьерной лестнице в хирургии, опорно-двигательной практике или в передовых клинических условиях - независимо от того, работаете ли вы в Великобритании или за рубежом. Успешное завершение последипломного диплома (PgD) является необходимым условием для получения права на практическое обучение под руководством хирурга-ортопеда.