Бакалавр здравоохранения, медсестра общественного здравоохранения, Лаппеенранта
Lappeenranta, Финляндия
4 Years
На постоянной основе
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May 2025
EUR 8 000 / per year *
В кампусе
* плата за обучение для новых студентов из стран, не входящих в ЕС / ЕЭЗ, в год по программам бакалавриата
Будучи медсестрой общественного здравоохранения, вы можете способствовать укреплению здоровья, функциональных возможностей и благополучия людей и семей разного возраста в самых разных областях. Вы можете выявлять клиентов и их семьи, входящие в группы риска. Вы оказываете им поддержку и помощь и направляете их к необходимым ресурсам помощи.
В Университете прикладных наук LAB на программе "Медсестра общественного здравоохранения" вы получите квалификацию как дипломированной медсестры, так и медсестры общественного здравоохранения. Будучи дипломированной медсестрой, вы можете работать во всех областях медицинского обслуживания.
Учебный план
Study Content
Будучи студентом медсестры общественного здравоохранения в LAB University of Applied Sciences , вы будете развивать свои профессиональные навыки, опираясь на существующие знания.
Обучение включает работу в сфере общественного здравоохранения и обучение медсестры общего профиля (бакалавриата). В подготовке медсестер LAB особое внимание уделяется сильным практическим навыкам и безопасности пациентов, которые укрепляются на протяжении всей программы в нашем современном симуляционном центре.
В течение первого года обучения вы познакомитесь с безопасной и этической практикой сестринского дела посредством теоретического обучения, практических упражнений и реальных ситуаций с клиентами и пациентами. Кроме того, вы улучшите свои навыки сбора информации и общения.
Structure of studies
Bachelor of Health Care, Public Health Nurse, 240 ECTS
- Common Studies 13 ECTS
- Professional core competence 82 ECTS
- Clinical training 80 ECTS
- Complementary studies (public health nursing) 50 ECTS
- Thesis 15 ECTS
After completing the Bachelor of Health Care degree program in Public Health Nursing (known as 'Terveydenhoitaja AMK' in Finnish), you can work either as a Public Health Nurse or a Registered Nurse (RN) throughout the European Union. The degree opens up fascinating work opportunities in many countries. A person who has completed a bachelor's degree may use the occupational titles of Registered Nurse (RN) and Public Health Nurse. Both degrees are licensed professions. The activities of the social and health sector are supervised by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). The training equips you with a nurse's qualification according to EU directives.
More about the language of instruction
Теоретические занятия проводятся на английском языке. Во время учебы вы также выучите финский язык. В клинической подготовке используются финский и английский языки.
The bachelor’s degree program includes a 15-ECTS thesis. This can either be a research-based project or a so-called functional thesis project. The thesis project aims to broaden and deepen your professional expertise and knowledge and provide you with the expertise needed to operate in development tasks in your field. The thesis project improves your information retrieval and problem-solving skills.
The thesis can be conducted as a project commissioned by an external organization or as part of a development project. The thesis project can be carried out individually, in pairs, or in a group, including a written report. At its best, the thesis project can serve as a Pathway to your future career.
Результат программы
Do you want to study in Finland to become a Registered Nurse and a Public Health Nurse? At LAB University of Applied Sciences, in the Bachelor of Health Care (RN) and Public Health Nurse degree program, you will gain qualifications as both a Registered Nurse and a Public Health Nurse.
As a Public Health Nurse, your future job opportunities will be wide. You can work with individuals and families while promoting the health of the entire population. Additionally, as a Registered Nurse, you can work in all areas of medical care.
To work as a nurse in Finland you must learn the Finnish language. The language of your studies is English, but we provide several Finnish language courses during your studies. In addition to this, our big student community and clinical practice placements offer you a good opportunity to practice the Finnish language.
As a Public Health Nurse, you can promote the health, functional capacity, and well-being of people and families of different ages in a wide range of areas. You know the field's theory and nursing practices, and how to apply them in varying client situations. You can identify clients and their families who are part of risk groups. You support and help them and guide them to the necessary help resources.
As a Public Health Nurse, you must know how to act independently and collaborate with multidisciplinary and multi-professional teams. At work, you must be ready to make independent decisions based on researched information and treatment instructions. Working as a Public Health Nurse requires sufficient mental and physical health and functional ability because you face changing situations in your work and are responsible for patient safety.
Your studies include general nursing studies, so in the future, you will have the opportunity to choose your workplace according to your interests from the wide field of nursing and health care.
Стоимость обучения по программе
Карьерные возможности
The job opportunities of a Public Health Nurse are versatile
Based on theoretical learning and clinical training, the Public Health Nurse is a versatile expert in public health nursing, general nursing, and preventive health care. After graduation, you can work for example in:
- Maternity and children's counselling
- Health care for school-aged children and adolescents
- Occupational health care
- Home nursing care.
After graduating as a Public Health Nurse, you can also apply for nursing positions in both public and private medical care units and organizations. The education provides excellent skills for working abroad and the opportunity to work as an entrepreneur. After completing the Bachelor of Health Care degree program in Public Health Nursing, you can work either as a Public Health Nurse or a Registered Nurse (RN) throughout the European Union.
We offer you excellent opportunities to gain valuable international expertise and language skills for your future career. Future workplaces and positions require multicultural skills, language skills, and international understanding. Learning takes place in an international, multicultural environment, as our degree students come from all over the world.
Go international!
You can complete part of your studies at our partner institutions in different countries around the world or do your practical training abroad. Every year, we welcome a large number of students from different countries, so the program is genuinely international.
Postgraduate study opportunities
After earning a bachelor’s degree and having two years of professional work experience, you are eligible to apply to the university of Applied Sciences (UAS) master’s degree program. You are also eligible to apply to master’s degree programs offered by universities.